Thomas Purcell
“I’ve been involved with the Honors program since my freshman year there has always been support from faculty like having honors advisors and peer mentors to help figure out classes, scheduling and etc. Honors resources extend much further than just academics and they highlight those resources a lot in TTU and stuff to show their support for students. I’ve met some of my closest friends at Merrimack through the honors peer mentor group and I still keep in touch with them even after they have graduated. Classes pair you with like-minded people and really make you strive to learn.”
“The LLC was great for me because I enjoyed being with my friends in my classes outside of class and in our dorms. It allowed me to become close friends with everyone in my hall and we were a close community by the end of the year my freshman year. The support and community within the honors program is why the program exists and Merrimack’s encapsulates that perfectly. If given the opportunity, I would suggest to become a part of the Merrimack Honors program. It really is beneficial to your entire Merrimack experience.”
“The Merrimack Honors Program has been a huge foundation for my success here at Merrimack. Immediately upon arrival as freshman the honors program helps you connect with friends, clubs, sports or whatever it may be. Academically, the honors program supports honors classes which are filled with students who have similar mindsets and goals which allow the courses to be faster paced and more intriguing in my opinion.”