Tyler Nichols
Nursing Major Looks Toward Commencement
A senior in the nursing program at Merrimack College, Tyler is no stranger to the advantages Merrimack provides for its students. “Going into a nursing program as a male seemed daunting at first, but after talking with faculty about the new program that was just starting up as I was entering my freshman year, my fears and worries seemed to become less obvious. They were also the first school that said “we would love to have more men in the program!” And that made me feel super welcomed and at home.”
Tyler offers some advice for incoming first year nursing students: “Time management is key. Being a college student, independence is such a new thing. So with all your free time, you will have to find time for yourself, your workload, and all other college activities you would like to be involved in. If you can manage your day with a structured routine to fit all of your goals in for the day, you will start your college experince off perfectly. This has been a life saver for myself personally.”
“I chose Merrimack College because it was the first school that made me feel wanted.”
On campus, you can find Tyler at different extracurricular activities if he isn’t in his nursing labs. “I was a member of the Merrimack honors program student council and I am a current member in the Merrimack College nursing club. I am also involved in Merrimack College intramural which I feel is a great way to not only stay active, but to meet other students outside of academics who have similar interests as you.”