Technical Requirements by School

School Technology Needs

Technical Requirements for Each of Merrimack's Five Schools

Merrimack’s Office of Information Technology has put together a comprehensive list of device requirements for students in each of our five schools. Learn more about the specific needs and recommendations for your major. 

Digital Inking

If you are taking required core chemistry courses, you will need a device that can engage in digital inking, with a touch screen and stylus. For students taking math courses, a device that can engage in digital inking is recommended (but not required). There are many PC laptops that also offer digital inking features, or you may wish to have a separate additional device, such as an iPad and Apple pencil, for this purpose. 

Technical Requirements by School

Girard School of Business

  • A Windows-based PC with the standard Merrimack requirements is highly recommended for majors in the Girard School of Business, except as noted below. Microsoft software, including Excel, works best on a PC.
  • For students pursuing the following combined majors, a Mac is preferred.
    • Sport Management & Communication
    • Music and Business Marketing & Management
    • Entrepreneurship and Graphic Design

Teaching students at Merrimack College gathered around a table

Winston School of Education & Social Policy

Visual and Performing Arts Classrooms

School of Arts & Sciences

A laptop with the standard Merrimack requirements is highly recommended for all majors in the School of Arts and Sciences. Additionally:

  • Chemistry majors require a device that has digital inking capability.
  • A tablet or laptop with digital inking capability is recommended for Mathematics majors.
  • A laptop is required for all Psychology majors.
  • A Mac laptop is preferred for Communications and Visual and Performing Arts majors.

Engineering student in the center for innovation.

School of Engineering & Computational Sciences

  • All School of Engineering and Computational Sciences students are required to have their own personal laptop devices. For most majors, the standard Merrimack requirements will be sufficient.
  • Engineering students (Electrical, Computer, Mechanical, and Civil Engineering students, as well as Construction Management students) are required to have:
    • Window-based PC laptop (not mac, not chromebook)
    • Camera and microphone
    • Currently supported Microsoft operating system
    • 16gig of RAM or higher
    • 512gig hard drive or higher
    • Intel Core i5-1235U processor or higher
    • Antivirus software
    • USB C and USB 3.0 ports
    • A tablet or laptop with digital inking capability is recommended

      If you have questions or concerns about this policy, speak to your advisor.

      Please note: Apple computers running a Mac operating system are not well suited for a student pursuing an Engineering degree. Some of the software available to Merrimack engineering students is not directly compatible with Mac OS.
  • Computer Science, Data Science, and Information Technology students are required to have a laptop, but any architecture and operating system (Windows, Mac OS, or Linux/Unix) are fine.
    Students interested in pursuing computer graphics, game design, AI/machine learning, or cybersecurity should consider a laptop with a dedicated graphics card.

Nursing faculty and students examining baby manikin.

School of Nursing & Health Sciences

  • A PC or a Mac with the standard Merrimack requirements is required for all nursing majors, and highly recommended for all other majors.

  • Due to the number of Chemistry and Math courses in the curriculum, students should also consider the following recommendations:

    • Students choosing a PC should strongly consider a 2 in 1 device that provides digital inking capability, or a supplemental iPad and pencil for digital inking purposes.
    • Students choosing a Mac should consider a supplemental iPad and Pencil for digital inking purposes.

Purchase a Device at the Tech Store

More Information Coming Soon!