Global Management Concentration

Global Management Concentration

With a global management concentration at Merrimack, you’ll discover what it takes to achieve managerial excellence and operational success in an increasingly global environment.

Today, every business is a global business. Whether firms are managing their international operations, importing, exporting, or competing with foreign competitors, the global economy demands managers who can address the complexities of the international business environment.

In our cross-disciplinary global management concentration, you’ll gain proficiency in a foreign language while you examine how businesses are connected in multinational supply chains. You’ll investigate how markets without borders and the flow of people, information, and money impact businesses in the international economy.

What You’ll Learn

As a student with a global management concentration, you will have an opportunity to profit from a range of opportunities:

  • Broaden your perspectives of global business by diving into topics such as international management, the economics of global behavior, cross-cultural organizational behavior, and international marketing.
  • Cultivate an understanding of international interconnectedness by exploring complex trade relationships, supplier and customer networks, and international economics and finance.
  • Evaluate strategies for successfully entering into foreign markets, including strategic alliances and foreign direct investment.
  • Learn how to address diversity in the workplace, including cultural differences and how they impact international negotiations.
  • Use this concentration to boost your business career, particularly in multinational firms, management consulting, investment banking, venture capital, and other careers in the global context.

Hands-on Learning

You’ll have the opportunity to take part in semester-long internships and study-abroad programs. Build world travel and cultural immersion into your curriculum by studying in international business hubs like London, Shanghai, and São Paulo.

Career Options

Having gained global market insight and cultural agility, you will be poised for opportunities across a number of fields, such as general management, banking and finance, and marketing. Potential employers could include:

  • Multinational corporations
  • Small and medium enterprises taking part in global value chains
  • Domestic and foreign financial institutions
  • International trade organizations
  • Management consulting firms

Courses You’ll Take

You will complete both the business administration major curriculum requirements and the global management concentration requirements listed below.

Business Administration Major Curriculum

Business Administration Major Requirements

General Education Requirements

In addition to the major and concentration requirements, you will also need to complete Merrimack’s general education requirements.

To see more details about the major, please visit


Global Management Concentration Curriculum

Global Management Concentration Requirements

In addition to the major and concentration requirements, you will also need to complete Merrimack’s general education requirements.

To see more details about the concentration, please visit
