Marketing Concentration

Marketing Concentration

When you pursue Merrimack’s concentration in marketing, you will learn about building brands and how to identify target markets and attract, retain and grow a customer base.

In the marketing concentration, you’ll examine the key marketing practices that power business growth. By exploring important issues in advertising and promotion, market research, consumer behavior, and product development, you’ll learn what it takes to incite action — from driving sales results to spurring social change.

What You’ll Learn

With a marketing concentration, you will:

  • Explore the four P’s of marketing: product, price, promotion, and place
  • Become well-versed in social media and digital marketing techniques and strategies.
  • Learn to apply marketing theories and tactics to real-world business challenges.
  • Use analytics — from customer-behavior research to sales statistics — to inform business decisions.
  • Evaluate the channels and messages that are most likely to drive action and deliver measurable results.

Hands-on Learning

Participate in solving companies’ marketing-related challenges via internships at industry-leading firms or by working with local businesses in our Market Research course. You’ll also apply your knowledge by implementing marketing strategies in our Marketing Seminar capstone project. Bonus? Join the Merrimack College student chapter of the American Marketing Association to network with industry professionals at on- and off-campus events, and deepen your marketing and advertising know-how (and résumé!).

Career Options

You’ll have access to a range of creative careers, from product development to global marketing to advertising to public relations. Career paths may include jobs in the following fields:

  • Advertising (including digital and event marketing)
  • Brand management
  • International and global marketing
  • Marketing models and systems analysis
  • Marketing research (including consumer behavior and research)
  • New-product planning
  • Sales management and promotions
  • Social media and digital marketing
  • Public relations and publicity

Courses You’ll Take

You will complete both the business administration major curriculum requirements and the marketing concentration requirements listed below.

Business Administration Major Curriculum

Business Administration Major Requirements

General Education Requirements

In addition to the major and concentration requirements, you will also need to complete Merrimack’s general education requirements.

To see more details about the major, please visit


Marketing Concentration Curriculum

Marketing Concentration Requirements

General Education Requirements

In addition to the major and concentration requirements, you will also need to complete Merrimack’s general education requirements.

To see more details about the concentration, please visit
