Submit Your Merrimack College-Affiliated Event Now
Executive functions affect day-to-day life for all of us. Some students may struggle with the application of executive function skills at school and at home. Join us as we explore how executive functions can impact students with a variety of learning needs and neurodiverse styles. A variety of strategies to manage executive functioning across grade levels will be presented. Register as soon as possible to secure your seat and to receive reminder emails with Zoom logistics!
This workshop is part of a 15-hour Special Education professional development series. This series will include 10 hours of live Zoom workshops (5 2-hour sessions) and 5 hours of online, at-your-own-pace modules on Google Classroom. To get an invitation to access the Google Classroom platform, please complete this form:
This series (both live Zoom workshops and online modules) concludes on JANUARY 31, 2024. By then, all materials will be closed and all certificates of participation will be awarded. While we encourage you to complete the entire 15-hour series, it is not required and you may participate in whichever live sessions or online modules work best for you, your interests, and your schedule.
Nick Cidado M’19, an assistant strength and conditioning coach at Boston College, will publish his first book later this month.