Workshop Description: Change is the one thing we can count on, and when we encounter it, we can harness our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies, and direct them where they will make the biggest difference. Perseverance, patience, and courage help us manage change. Individual and collective celebrations, as well as the practice of gratitude, is the capstone to the habits in this workshop series. Even during hard moments, if we can shift into a stance of appreciation, we’ll build our resilience. Appreciation cultivates our trust in ourselves, in a process, and perhaps in something greater, which helps us respond to the inevitable challenges of life.
Certificates of participation (1.5 hours) will be provided to you following the workshop. This event is free and open to Merrimack College students, alumni, and the external community. Light refreshments will be served. Space is limited, so please RSVP as soon as possible with your information below! Additional event details and other logistics (i.e. parking map) will be communicated to you closer to the event.
For more information on the workshop, and if you have any questions, please contact Stephanie at or MINTS at