Submit Your Merrimack College-Affiliated Event Now
The term neurodivergent was coined in the 1990s by Australian sociologist Judy Singer. The movement has spread significantly, influencing the way children, parents, and educators look at disability. We will engage with the model, compare it to a medical model of disability, and discover new approaches to helping students use their strengths to improve academic outcomes. As Mr. Rogers said, “I like you just the way you are.” Register as soon as possible to secure your seat and to receive reminder emails with Zoom logistics!
This workshop is part of a 15-hour Special Education professional development series. This series will include 10 hours of live Zoom workshops (5 2-hour sessions) and 5 hours of online, at-your-own-pace modules on Google Classroom. To get an invitation to access the Google Classroom platform, please complete this form:
This series (both live Zoom workshops and online modules) concludes on JANUARY 31, 2024. By then, all materials will be closed and all certificates of participation will be awarded. While we encourage you to complete the entire 15-hour series, it is not required and you may participate in whichever live sessions or online modules work best for you, your interests, and your schedule.
The Jail Education Project in July will award its first associate’s degree, and has helped nine formerly incarcerated students transition to Merrimack’s Bachelor’s Degree Completion Program.