McCoy Gallery Houses New Exhibition

The Visual and Performing Arts Department is proud to announce that a new exhibition is on display in the McCoy Gallery.
The exhibit, titled “It’s OK To Not Be OK,” on display in the McCoy Gallery.
The exhibit, titled “It’s OK To Not Be OK,” on display in the McCoy Gallery.

The exhibit, titled “It’s OK To Not Be OK,” showcases the art of six students, Abigail Amato, David Andrighetti, Isabella Collins, David Driscoll, Felicia Fishel, and Lauren Pardue, all of whom were enrolled in Assistant Professor Jonathan Latiano’s fall 2020 Independent Studio 1 course. The works include visualizations and conceptualizations related to feelings and emotions the artists’ experienced during the past turbulent year

The exhibition is currently in the McCoy Gallery until April 16th. There will be a virtual opening, to be held on Zoom, on Friday, April 2nd at 6 pm and will be open to the general public, family, and friends. Professor Latiano will give an introduction that will be followed with a 10-15 minutes video that includes interviews with the artists. The Opening will conclude with a Q&A session.

Those interested in attending the Opening can register through this Google form. Please register by March 31st to receive the Zoom link, entry code, and password. All are welcome!



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