Merrimack Launches $50M Capital Campaign

Merrimack College has launched its Together for Good campaign, a historic effort aimed at raising $50 million by 2019. Hundreds of alumni and supporters joined events on campus celebrating the campaign, which has raised more than $28 million to date.

“This is the largest fundraising campaign in our history,” said President Christopher E. Hopey, Ph.D.

“Together for Good is a reminder that our students, alumni, and friends helped make Merrimack what it is today — and together, they will play a critical role in the college’s future.”

During Hopey’s administration, Merrimack has nearly doubled its undergraduate population, created more than 20 graduate programs, attracted world-class faculty members, built two new student housing complexes, and modernized athletics, teaching and learning facilities. Together for Good will continue this momentum by facilitating strategic investments in infrastructure, academic programs, support services, athletics, student experiences and scholarships.

Specifically, the campaign will help to

  • Enhance the new Academic Success Center, which provides critical one-on-one advising, tutoring and mentoring services for students.
  • Construct a new academic district, including a three-story, 50,000-square-foot pavilion to house the Girard School of Business.
  • Build new athletic fields and facilities to serve the college’s growing varsity, club, and intramural sports programs and support the goal of becoming a Division I institution
  • Expand programs that honor the college’s Augustinian mission, including service learning, mission opportunities, research initiatives, and scholarships

Renowned actor, screenwriter, producer and comedian Charlie Day ’98, best known for his role on “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” will serve as honorary campaign chair. The campaign is co-chaired by Alfred ’84 and Mary Louise Arcidi and Michael ’92 and Kerridan Crowe. Michael Crowe is the chair of the Merrimack College Board of Trustees, and Alfred Arcidi is vice chair.


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