Temple Emanuel, Merrimack College students remember Crystal Night, precursor to the Holocaust

Exactly 80 years ago, Nazi thugs and paramilitary gangs attacked Jews throughout Germany, burning their synagogues, vandalizing their businesses and killing at least 91 of them.

The smashing of glass resounded throughout the land, so the two nights of terror, Nov. 9 and 10, 1938, became known as Kristallnacht, or Crystal Night.  

The violence of those two November nights was merely a preamble to a much, much greater catastrophe, the Holocaust, during which 6 million Jews and 5 million other people… were murdered.

Read more from Paul Tennant at the Eagle Tribune

Watch video of the event

Reflection on “Shattered Glass, Shattered Lives” from Rena Finder’s Holocaust Legacy Partner, Jenn Billings


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