Gifts of Stock and Other Appreciated Securities

Put Stock in Merrimack College

Contributing stocks or mutual funds to Merrimack College constitutes an intelligent and straightforward method to bolster higher education and research initiatives. Through a gift of appreciated securities, you could potentially circumvent capital gains tax, diversify your investment portfolio, and/or establish a consistent income stream. This strategic move not only supports your personal financial planning but also contributes significantly to the advancement of academic excellence.

How it Works

You have the opportunity to contribute appreciated securities, such as publicly traded stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares, to Merrimack College. This not only allows you to potentially bypass capital gains tax but also provides avenues for diversifying your investment portfolio and/or establishing a regular income stream. This process is an efficient and streamlined approach to philanthropy.

The procedure is straightforward: you transfer your appreciated securities to Merrimack College. Following this, Merrimack College liquidates the securities, utilizing the proceeds to fuel crucial academic and research endeavors. This strategic act of generosity can significantly impact Merrimack’s mission while simultaneously complementing your financial objectives.

How You Benefit

Upon making such a strategic contribution, you receive recognition and an immediate income tax deduction determined by the fair market value (calculated as the average of the high and low prices on the day of the transfer).

Notably, this process allows you to avoid capital gains tax, an often significant benefit. Additionally, you have the option to channel your contribution into a charitable gift annuity or a unitrust. This approach not only diversifies your portfolio but also enables you to obtain lifetime payments that may equal or even exceed the dividends currently yielded by the securities.

Please be aware, to ensure full deductibility, the securities you utilize for your gift must have been in your possession for over a year. This critical detail ensures your donation is compliant with tax regulations while maximizing the benefits to both you and Merrimack College.

More Information

By contributing appreciated securities, you stand to gain from a two-fold advantage: you can claim the gift as a charitable deduction while concurrently avoiding capital gains tax during the transfer. It’s important to note, however, that if you opt to fund a gift that provides you with an income stream, some capital gains tax may apply to that income. This unique combination of benefits empowers you to maximize the impact of your contribution. By choosing to donate appreciated securities instead of cash, you can effectively leverage your philanthropic capacity, thereby facilitating a more substantial gift to Merrimack College.

First, complete our online form to let us know your gift is coming; this helps us identify your gift when it comes in. Transfer your stock by either of two methods:

  1. Transfer by broker: Draft a letter to your broker providing instructions for the stock transfer.
  2. Mail certificate(s): Send the stock certificate(s) by certified mail to Merrimack College. In a separate envelope, mail Merrimack College your signed stock power form and a dated letter that identifies the stock, states how your gift is to be used, and includes your signature exactly as it appears on the certificate. For mailing instructions, please call us directly at (978) 837-5000.
Mutual Funds

Before giving mutual funds, please first contact our team at (978) 837-5000 so we can research and be sure we can accept the funds into our account.