Legal Language and Tax ID

Important Legal Document Information

If you are considering including Merrimack College in your estate plans, you will need to refer to us in your legal documents as:

Merrimack College, a nonprofit organization organized and existing under the laws of the State of Massachusetts, with the principal business address of Merrimack College, Austin Hall, 315 Turnpike Street, North Andover, MA 01845.

Our tax identification number is 04-2103731

Additional Sample Bequest Language

Restricted As a Percentage of the Estate

I give, devise, and bequeath to Merrimack College, _____________ percent (%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to be used for _____________ at Merrimack College.

Many individuals establish endowments at Merrimack College to honor the memory of a family member or another loved one. These endowments live forever since only the income is used annually. The sample language provided below can be used to fund a previously established endowment. If you have questions about establishing an endowment, please contact the Office of Gift Planning at Merrimack College.

Restricted as a Percentage of Estate for Endowment

I give, devise, and bequeath to Merrimack College, _ percent (%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to establish the _____________ ENDOWED FUND. The principal of this Fund shall be invested as part of Merrimack College’s permanent endowment and in accordance with its policies. The income therefrom is to be used by Merrimack College for _____________. Contributions may be added to the Fund at any time. If changed circumstances should at some future time make it impractical to continue using the income from the Fund for the purpose designated, then Merrimack College may redesignate the purpose for which the Fund’s income may be distributed, provided that the Fund shall continue to bear the name _____________ ENDOWED FUND, and that the amended terms shall adhere as closely as possible to my original intent.

“Backstopping” Your Gift Through An Estate Provision

Donors may desire to ensure that their pledges to Merrimack College are fully supported and funded. One method to secure this support is to establish a “backstop” in your estate provision. A “backstop” guarantees that gifts made through your estate will supplement your lifetime gifts to achieve the desired level of support.

To the extent that I have not given the sum of $ _____________ to Merrimack College for (specific purpose/fund/pledge/endowment) during my lifetime, I bequeath the amount necessary to bring my total contributions to this institution to that amount.

Referencing a Gift Agreement in a Will or Trust

Often, donors establish gift agreements with Merrimack College. These agreements enable donors to designate their gift for a specific purpose at Merrimack. If you have a named gift agreement with Merrimack College, the specific name of the gift agreement should be included in the bequest language.

I give, devise, and bequeath to Merrimack College, a gift subject to the terms of a separate gift agreement (named) _____________ between myself and Merrimack College.