Robin Smith ’66

Donor Profile: Robin Smith '66

The Muriel A. Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship, established by Robin Smith in her mother’s name, supports young women pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM).

When it came time to apply to colleges, Robin Smith ’66 knew she wanted to major in engineering or chemistry, a degree that could lead to a well-paying job so she would not have to worry about money. Without ever having visited the campus, Robin showed up the first day of classes.

“There were only 10 chemistry majors in the department,” she says, and she was one of just two females. She worked hard at Merrimack, got along well with her peers and professors, and made some lifelong friends.

After graduating, Robin pursued a master’s degree in chemistry at Lowell Technological Institute, where she was the only woman in her class. When a position for a chemical salesperson at a local company opened up, Robin applied. She had a promising phone interview with the hiring manager who afterwards scheduled a face-to-face meeting. Because of Robin’s name and low voice, he wrongly assumed she was a man. When Robin finally met him, he turned her down for the job. “It’s just the way life was in those days,” she says.

In 1972, New England Telephone was just starting to actively hire women engineers. Robin was the first female outside plant engineer in the north, moving up through the ranks to operations manager. She ultimately spent 24 years at the phone company (which, after many acquisitions/mergers, became Verizon). She retired at the age of 50, more than 20 years ago now, and moved to her home on picturesque Newfound Lake in New Hampshire.

Returning to Merrimack

In 2016, Robin returned to Merrimack for the first time in 50 years.

“I couldn’t believe how much Merrimack had changed. I mean, I knew it wasn’t still one building, but I was so impressed by the new laboratories and the science and engineering facilities. The students are doing things today that, back in the day, you didn’t do until graduate school.”

Blown away by Merrimack’s progress, Robin generously donated $100,000 to the College and has since designated an additional six-figure gift from her estate to Merrimack. These investments have helped establish a scholarship in her mother’s memory, the Muriel A. Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship, to support young women pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM).

“I think the world needs more female leaders in these areas. STEM is so important, there’s a wow factor to developing solutions through STEM that give people an opportunity they never had,” she says.

The scholarship honors her mother, who worked three jobs to make ends meet and encouraged her daughter to pursue college. “She probably would have been embarrassed and said, ‘You shouldn’t be creating a scholarship in my name,’” Robin admits, since her mother was someone who did not seek attention. “But everything I have today is because of her kick in the pants. I wanted her to be remembered, and I felt confident about associating her name with Merrimack because I know the school is going to be around for a long time.”

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