


Academic Title

Associate Professor, Economics

Contact Information

Research Interests
  • Political Economy
  • U.S. Economic History
Research Summary

My main research focus is on commodified forms of communication. I am currently researching the ways in which First Amendment protections for free speech in the United States are, or are not, applied to speech that is shaped by production and distribution through the market.

  • Ph.D., Economics, UMass Amherst
  • M.A., American Studies, UMass Boston
  • B.A., Mathematics and Music, Simon’s Rock College
Recent Publications

“Magic Itself is No Magic Bullet: Technology and Social
Conflict.” Rethinking Marxism. 33:2, 185-195. 2021. (guest editor’s

Modern Advertising and the Market for Audience Attention. Routledge.

“Interrogating the Marketplace of Ideas, Interpreting the First
Amendment.” Forum for Social Economics. 48:2, 137-146. 2019.

“Commodified Attention, Commodified Speech, and the Rejection of
Expertise.” Forum for Social Economics. 47:2, 184-192. 2018.

“Opening Value Theory to the Brand.” Rethinking Marxism. 29:4, 592-609. 2017.

“Primitive Accumulation in the Cultural Common.” Review of Radical
Political Economics. 48:1, 176-188. 2016.

Honors and Awards
  • Recipient of the Hazel Dayton Gunn Golden Pencil Award from the Review of Radical Political Economics Editorial Board, 2020.
  • William Waters Research Grant, Association for Social Economics, 2016.
  • Fellowship for Outdoor Advertising Research, John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising and Marketing History, Duke University, 2013.