Julia Marcouiller '21

Theatre Arts & Marketing Major

“Almost, Maine: A Dramaturgical Introduction”

Dramaturgy provides cast, crew, and audiences with historical and social context of the play, and to further their understanding of the world of the “Almost, Maine.”

I will be doing dramaturgy for the OnStagers production of “Almost, Maine.” My job as a dramaturg is to be able to provide cast, crew, and audiences with historical and social context of the play, and to further their understanding of the world of it. This will be accomplished primarily through discussions and answering questions with the cast throughout the rehearsal process. Much of my work pre-rehearsal process has been reading the play and conducting research on who these characters are, what they are like, how their environment shapes them, and what the imaginary place of the Almost, Maine is like. I will be collaborating with the directors to understand their vision for the show and bring it to life through a program note. I will also be decorating the lobby in a way that reflects the directors’ vision and brings the world of the play to life, so that audiences can get a closer look of the work put into the play and its setting. The most exciting part of this experience will be leading a discussion with the cast and “Almost, Maine” playwright himself, John Cariani!

Senior Capstone Program Notes (pdf)