For my senior project I created, directed, animated, and scripted, an animated cartoon. My intent was to release “Eastern Coast Raid & Plunder” as an animated adult cartoon comedy on YouTube. The plot of the animation follows Jack and two crewmates who stole a pirate ship. They needed the vessel in order to go on a quest across the ocean to find Captain Sulley’s lost treasure. The story continues on as they get closer to an island and embark on their adventure.
Watching cartoons when I was younger always left me with laughter and inspiration. I would often draw the characters I enjoyed watching. This made me realize that I am capable of making a cartoon of my own. Cartoons are a great way of storytelling, and they allow my imagination to flow. I had started creating characters that are based off of my friends. Then I created fictional characters with my friend and collaborator Jacob Lymberopoulos. The goal of this video is to entertain young adults, with comedic jokes, and characters to inspire them.
Watch the trailer to Eastern Coast Raid & Plunder on YouTube