Michael Gravante '23

Theatre Arts

Directing “Circle Mirror Transformation”

For my senior capstone, I browsed through drama databases until I picked Circle Mirror Transformation as the play I would direct. I completed a full script analysis, which included creating a concept for how I would present the play’s main ideas of vulnerability and growth within my direction. I worked with my stage manager, sophomore Sam Diauto, to cast student actors and figure out all technical aspects including sets, costumes, and props. We rehearsed in January and February, and then held two performances of the play on February 25th in Stevens Auditorium. Our cast was Owen Eckelkamp, Audrey McGill, Angelina Medici, Jonathan Rutkowski, and Ariana White. Our student crew members were Caylee Colbert and Rory Perretti, and production photos were taken by senior Allyson Buckley. Below is a shortened version of my Director’s Note for the play’s program, containing my concept.

In the small town of Shirley, Vermont, the community center is holding its first ever six-week adult creative drama class. It’s a very unusual class if one is new to the world of theatre, and it’s certainly not what any student or even its instructor Marty expects; but it’s strangely exactly what they need. Whatever troubles they try to hold in during class will be brought out as Marty instructs them to be open while in the space. As the weeks go on and the group experiences new and old obstacles, they learn that being open and honest with each other and themselves is the best way to move on, and that with vulnerability comes growth, and with growth comes the biggest life impacts, even in the unlikeliest of circumstances. These circumstances, however, are perfect for the students’ journeys. After all, what better way is there to open your souls and grow with those around you than theatre?