Why Study Civil Engineering?

Civil engineers plan, design and supervise construction of many essential facilities and structures such as bridges, dams, interstate highways and buildings.

Spring OH

Spring Open House

Tuesday, April 22, 2025 
from 1:00 pm 
to 4:00 pm

At our Spring Open House, you'll attend academic breakout sessions, connect with members of our community, and take a tour of our beautiful New England campus.

Studying civil engineering at Merrimack College allows you to sharpen your communication and problem-solving skills and seek ways to make the world a better place. 

Why Merrimack?

  • Internships and co-ops mean most of our majors have work experience by the time they graduate.
  • First-year iTEC program offers a supportive environment and living/learning community for engineers and computer scientists.
  • Required senior capstone design course provides important experience in project planning and team-client relationships.


Our bachelor of science in civil engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

See Accreditation Information